Analysis of the Nature and Effects of Obligations: My Learning Reflections- ( Law subject-Obligations and Contracts)
2. Nature and Effect of
In studying Law on obligations and contracts, I have
realized the essence of the nature and effect of obligations. I realized that
the subject is so useful to understand many ways to protect any kinds of
obligations or contracts.
learned in this class that there are three kinds of prestations in obligations:
1. to give à real object showcasing that there is some
physical thing to be owned, the delivery of which totally manifests the
obligation. Another prestations is To do which means to act on accomplishing
the contracts and meet the agreement.
Lastly, the idea Not to do personal is a prestation that deals on how non-fulfillment
is payment of an indemnification of damages can be used to replace damages in
case. .1 Prestations/Objects
have remembered as discussed in this class that there are three kinds of
prestations in obligations: First, is to give real thing which shows the
need to deliver the physical being of the object, the delivery of which wholly
issues the obligation. Secondly, the need To do which means the idea of
perfecting the duty of delivery of the prestations. Thirdly, is, not to do
personal which signifies the failure to comply in the obligations is fixed in
the deed by the payment of an indemnification of damages. Requisites of
Prestation / Object 1)licit (if illicit, it is void)2)possible (if impossible,
it is void
2.2 Things required to be
on what I learned in this topic in Obligations and Contracts, the things that
are required to be delivered are the following:
. To delivery a thing which must neither be
of superior
nor inferior quality (1246)
b. To pay damages in case of breach (1170)
subject matter is physically handed over to
by debtor .
Huntress bought a pair of boots from China White.
boots will be owned by Huntress only when China
White gives it to her.
In relevance, I also remember that there are two (2)
kinds of obligations according to object or prestation which discusses the
ideas below.
obligation – There is only one (1) prestation. Example: D promised to deliver
to C a 2014 model Starrex car only 1 prestation
obligation – There are two (2) or more prestations. Compound obligations are of
2.2 Things required to be
In this idea the following are essentials: Deliver the
fruits of the thing, Deliver the accessions and accessories and Deliver the
thing itself and answer for damages in case of failed fulfillment or breach I
learned this from Art. 1164 stating that the creditor has a right to the fruits
of the thing from the time the obligation to deliver it arises. Though, he
shall acquire no real right over it until the same has been delivered to him.
Ex. Ana Maria is obliged to give to Maria a piece of land
on June 1, 2014.
However, Ana Maria gave the
Certificate of Title to Yao Fei on July 25, 2014.
2.3 Accessory obligations
I learned that an
accessory obligation is always taken endeavor attached to the principal
obligation to guarantee better responsibility in case of breach. I also learned
that an accessory obligation is a secondary requirement or duty that must be
fulfilled in conjunction with the primary obligation or commitment. When the
first obligation is accepted, an accessory obligation can be part of the
commitment and expires at the end of the primary obligation. This conveys an
opposite of principal obligation.
Compliance with obligations
I have realized and remember that compliance with
obligations may include Obligation to do or not to: Perfection of the obligation decentralizes
upon the person himself who is bound.
to give: Intimately linked with the thing that is the subject matter of
relation. For example when I said I will give all my money to my sister when
she gets an average above
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