An interpretation of Matthean (Gospel of Matthew)


    Mathew's core purpose to provide evidence to his Jewish readers that Jesus is their
    Messiah. He accomplishes this chiefly by viewing how Jesus in his life and ministry satisfied the
    Old Testament bible readings and teachings Mathew even uncovers the times past of God's
    people in the Old Testament summarized in some characteristics of Jesus life (Bible Study
    Chapter 1 of Mathew speaks about the genealogy of Jesus Christ who has been known as
    the Son of David, the Son of Abraham. These mentors that the virgins are entitled to be a son and
    that son will be called Immanuel which near God with us. Chapter 2 expresses the how male
    children in Bethlehem were told to be killed because of fear of Herod to lose his Kingship;
    Chapter 3 explains the endeavour of John the Baptist in n preaching the wilderness of Judea.
    Chapter 4 reflects how Jesus surpassed the temptation from the devil. Chapter 5 entails the
    perspective of how to get blessed and what actions must not be committed. Chapter 6 explains
    the effective prayer "Our Father". Chapter 7 talks about how to handle the wisdom of judgment.
    Chapter 8 and 9 reflect Jesus Christ’s teaching and healing; command of faith in him and
    observed pity for people. Chapter 10 shows the roles and actions of the twelve disciples in the
    ministry of Jesus. Chapter 11 shows Jesus as being under interrogation of John De Baptiste.
    Chapter 12 indicates the importance of Sabbath and showing respect to parents. Chapter 13
    reveals the preaching in the boat and the story of parables. Chapter 14 manifests the death of
    John de Baptiste from the arm of Herod. Chapter 15 shows the challenge by Pharisees. Chapter
    16 highlights to understand the end is near and ministry of Jesus is important. Chapter 17 is
    about Conversion on mountain showing Elijah and Moses. Chapter 18 and 19 conveys irritated
    parables of Kingdom. Chapter 20 reflects the parables about the workers. Chapter 21 shows the
    coming of Jesus using a donkey. Chapter 22 shows conspiracy. Chapter 23 is about the Rabbi
    and teacher. Chapter 24 shows warnings of Jesus about how to use the temples. Chapter 25 is
    about the Kingdom of heaven. Chapter 26 shows the final conflict (Gideons International, 2000).
    From understanding the summary of each chapter, the gospel episodes I will interpret is
    about the coming of Jesus to Jerusalem as King from Mathew 21:1:11. I chose it because I
    always see the ministry of Jesus as very inspiring, essential and interesting to ponder on, realize
    and live on. I also get interested to understand how Jerusalem has been widely known as the land
    of the promise and the hometown and birthplace of the blessed holy Jesus Christ. I believe that
    by interpreting coming of Jesus to Jerusalem as clearly shown in Mathew 21:1:11, I will be more
    effective at scrutinizing how the journey of Jesus life makes him as the King. His holiness is
    truly amazing and his miracles to people are truly great and overwhelming Jesus is sent really
    important to see how God Almighty loves humanity. Jesus is the way to enrich our spirituality. I
    also want to learn about how the people accepted Jesus and how we can live on the good life.
    In digging the passage that I chose, Mathew 21:1-11 reveals Jesus' admittance and entry
    into Jerusalem. From this, the Lord organized the occurrences of His ministry in Jerusalem in
    facet. As the supreme King, He left nothing to fortuitous situations but formulated each part so as
    to conclude His ministry with magnificent happening of the Old Testament prophecies that
    reflected his deep passion to humanity. Exploring the passage context, the following are the
    essential events: the Lord's Watchful Preparation; the Tenacity of the Lord's Preparation; and the
    Lord's Influence on Jerusalem. The Jesus careful preparation conveys an uncharacteristic way to
    cross the threshold of Jerusalem. It can be realized that during the New Testament, it was
    routine or common for a King to pass in a city on a donkey, when he sought to signify concord.
    From the episode of 21:1-11, then we can see that Jesus entered using a donkey to give peace
    and how his public ministry strengthen faith of the followers (Grace Bible Church, 2014).
    In my discovery, my reflection regarding Mathew 21:1-11 is that the coming of Jesus is
    truly a celebration of faith and prayers as he is being called the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.
    I realized that if we want to offer something to the Lord Jesus then we have to do it with no
    doubts and simply surrender whatever we have wholeheartedly. This reminds me how Jesus
    experiences the acceptance of the crowds of the city as the Messianic King. This also reflects
    that Jesus coming leads or initiates not only to the call that the Kingdom of David must be
    imminently out to recognize Jesus himself as Son of David the promised king. This is also
    reflects curiosity as Jesus seemed to be not go totally recognized or known in his homeland,
    Jerusalem. This is also timely as in Lenten seasons, we have Palm Sunday. It seems that palm is
    significant for being part of the feast of Tabernacle's or simply the triumphal entries. This
    devotes that's Jesus while taking s ride on s donkey, there us the presence of his renunciation of
    avant-garde aspirations where in the people as the crowd wave palm branches making him seen
    more radical Messianic in condition. The people are not total accepting his presence as the king
    but Jesus is dedicated to cover the place with his ministry.
    In doing, this passage of Mathew 21:1-11 means to us today is that it reminds that even
    today some people call themselves Christians but have never followed Jesus preaches or
    teachings to realized and scrutinize the genuine character of his kingship and the commandments
    to follow. We can see some people saying great praised and doing worshipping but the heart is
    closed in accepting the Kingdom of God. In our life in the present, we have to see the
    significance of Jesus Ministry because it is truly majestic and the prophecies of Old Testament to
    see the Lord’s passion for all people. This means that we have to feel that in our undertaking we
    have to follow the right actions based on the words of the Bible as headed by Lord Jesus Christ.
    In line with this, we can also celebrate his entry by participating in the beginning of the
    week in which Passover will be illustrious in Jerusalem. We can also realize and actualize that
    Passover since it is one of the holidays in which all of Israel is predictable to mark a journey to
  • the Temple in Jerusalem. In our time, we have to find time to talk to Jesus and confess our sins
    and have time to repent. It is also wonderful if we can live on those good lessons taught by Christ
    especially about how we judge people or face situations with genuine mind and clean heart. If we
    want a good Christian life, let us walk on the shadow of the teaching of Jesus Christ and accept
    his Lordship in our life and families.
    Grace Bible Church. (2014).The Messiah Enters into Jerusalem. Retrieved from
    Bible Study Tools. (2014). Gospel of Matthew. Retrieved from
    Gideons International. (2000). The New Testament.. USA: Gideons Bible Associatio


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