
An interpretation of Matthean (Gospel of Matthew)

  INTRODUCTION Mathew's core purpose to provide evidence to his Jewish readers that Jesus is their Messiah. He accomplishes this chiefly by viewing how Jesus in his life and ministry satisfied the Old Testament bible readings and teachings Mathew even uncovers the times past of God's people in the Old Testament summarized in some characteristics of Jesus life (Bible Study Tools). Chapter 1 of Mathew speaks about the genealogy of Jesus Christ who has been known as the Son of David, the Son of Abraham. These mentors that the virgins are entitled to be a son and that son will be called Immanuel which near God with us. Chapter 2 expresses the how male children in Bethlehem were told to be killed because of fear of Herod to lose his Kingship; Chapter 3 explains the endeavour of John the Baptist in n preaching the wilderness of Judea. Chapter 4 r...